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Future of Coaching Conference

Early next year Paseda360 is bringing you a 1-day in person event which will combine our National Coaching Awards evening with a daytime extravaganza.

This new and exciting event has some wonderful treats in store for you...
and you won’t want to miss it!

The best bit?

We want this event to feel intimate and connected so we’ve found a wonderful venue in Birmingham that delivers just that!

The problem...

Due to the personal and interactive nature of the event, capacity is limited to just 150 people. And those places are going to get snapped up fast. Very fast. We had 130 people at this year’s NCA’s and it was our first year!

We want to make sure anyone who wants to attend The Future of Coaching Conference has the best chance to get tickets, so we're opening up a Priority List!

Tickets will be available to claim when our awards open in summer, and because it’s a combined event you don’t have to be a awards finalist to attend.

If you want to make sure you can get a ticket before they 'sell out', you can join the Priority List below and unlock 'Early Access' the day before tickets are released publicly .

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Join the Priority List...
and look out for out updates to make sure you get a ticket!